2025 Garden City, NY - St. Paul's Main Building Survey
The next step in our work on St. Paul's is to collect additional input from every resident in the Village regarding your ideas and preferences about the St. Paul's Main Building ("Main Building"). To collect that information, following is a survey for your review and completion. Please complete the survey within the next two weeks.
This survey has three purposes: (1) to identify what you would like the Village to do with the Main Building; (2) to determine what programs/offerings you would like to see in the Main Building; and, (3) to understand what you are willing to pay for a project at the Main Building. In addition, if you don't support any of the options presented, you can indicate that in several questions. There is also an open-ended question for you to share any other suggestions you may have.
We are looking forward to hearing from you in order to make the most informed decisions about this critical project. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete and your responses will be kept confidential. ETC Institute, an independent consulting company, will compile the data and BCI will thereafter analyze it for us. The results will be shared with the Board of Trustees and all residents.
Please complete the survey within the next two weeks.
We all know that the decision about what to do with the St. Paul's main building has been a long and difficult one. Nevertheless, we firmly believe that the results of this survey will guide the Board in developing a project that will garner the widespread support of our residents.
For more information, please send your inquiry to the St. Paul's mailbox at stpaulsquestions@gardencityny.net.